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Assalamualaykum and hi everyone! Welcome to my site. Under this section, I'm going to share with you guys for my very first contribution to society in IIUM and currently, I lived in Mahallah Safiyyah.

Since the first semester in IIUM, I've been so actively with in Mahallah programmes because I feel much comfort joining their programmes and I don't need to consider so many things like ikhtilat, aurat etc compared to outside. So that's why, I'd decided to focus on the Block Representative Committee and unexpectedly I'd been appointed as President of Block Representative Committee Session 17/18 for Block G. It was indeed my first platform to develop and enhance my potential skills. I admitted that I'd learnt a lot by joining BRC and becoming as a President was very huge responsibility and amanah for me. And it was so unexpected that I managed to hold the responsibility well even though I don't believe in myself that I can do it.

As for me, the reasons why I joined this programme are because I want to instill my leadership, professionalism and maturity while handling the society which I think it's not enough to gain these values only in the classroom and some aspects might not be found. Plus, when we habitually meet the people when handling or organizing any event, indirectly we can build our confidences and we manage to overcome our anxiety which is what I think the positively affects on myself. Before this, I was so shy, fear and scared when it is the time of presentation and I really hate class presentation because I'll become anxious a lot. But now, say no more, I'm not afraid to come to the front.

One year passed, now I am one of Mahallah Safiyyah Representative Committee and can't wait to gain so much experiences. I hope by joining MRC, it helps me to contribute more towards Islam.

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My favourite sport of all is of course volleyball and the most sport that I'm good at playing.

Actually, I'm not a sport-person and always refused when somebody ask me for jogging or what. I'm too lazy for sport but turns on when it is volleyball. I'd also joined volleyball tournament in Inter-Mahallah Sport Carnival 17/18 and won the second place, then representing Mahallah Safiyyah in ISC 17/18 but unfortunately didn't winning the game. But this semester, I wouldn't be able to join volleyball for ISC 18/19 because I was busy in charge for Athletics ISC 18/19.

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Updated: Oct 21, 2022

This one is one of the best moments in my life. Plus, I never joined any Fashion Show before and this was my very first attribute. I'd been representing for Mahallah Safiyyah acted as the Princess of China that night was totally a lit. The theme for the night was Royal Culture and the concept of the event is not just a runaway only but similarly with the Miss World Show when all the participants were also need to answer the KBAT question. Some aspects are also be considered in order to winning the competition such as fully covering the aurah etc. I did won the first place for the Fashion Show.

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